Posted in Lights, Camera, Shoot!, Photography 101

Photography 101: Finding Your Focus

This is great article that offers a lot of helpful guidance. Sometimes trying to figure out the many uses of the different settings on an SLR camera is a learning experience in and of itself. Enjoy.

The Daily Post

So far in our Photography 101 series, we’ve asked guest photographers to share their insights and tips on various elements of the craft, from light to composition. Today, meet Matthew George: the blogger at Photo Lord, a site that features and recognizes other photographers, and a passionate high school photography teacher. In this installment, Matthew introduces focus and the concepts of depth of field and aperture. 

Finding your focus — the basics

I provide some general guidelines to my students:

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Broad based knowledge seeker; outside and beyond the box - arts and culture, travel, writing, christian faith walk, good reads and refreshing conversation - and not necessarily in that order. Storytelling by connecting the dots between the traditional and non-traditional, the obvious and not so obvious.

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